Our reading lists draw together some of the key sources of information about specific policy areas in Wales. They include background information about policy areas in the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government 2021-26, our summary of the key issues facing the Sixth Senedd published in May 2021 and many more.
You can use our reading lists as an introduction to a new subject, to find out where you can access information, or to explore an issue in more depth.
For more information and bespoke research support, Members of the Senedd and their staff can contact our expert subject researchers.
- Children’s Commissioner for Wales, Annual Reports and quarterly updates (2024)
- Welsh Youth Parliament, reports of the Second Youth Parliament (2024)
- Wales Group for Monitoring the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, State of Children’s Rights in Wales (2023) and Welsh Government response to the UN Concluding Observations Report 2023 (2024)
- Care Inspectorate Wales, Annual Report 2022-2023, Local authority inspection and review reports and Rapid review of child protection arrangements (2024)
- Senedd Research, Briefing on Care Experienced Children and the Care Experienced Children: Statistical Briefing (2024)
- Senedd Research, Early years childcare entitlement: Frequently Asked Questions (2024)
- Senedd Research, Childcare in the spotlight at the Senedd (2024)
- Senedd Research, How effectively is the Welsh Government tackling child poverty? (2024)
- Welsh Government, Child Poverty Strategy for Wales (2024)
- Reports by CASCADE – Children’s Social Care Research and Development Centre
- Welsh Government, Performance and Improvement Framework for Social Services (2024)
- Welsh Government, Youth work reports and strategies
- Senedd Research, The Welsh Government’s “national mission” for education: In Brief (2024)
- Senedd Research, Reforming education: the Welsh Government’s mission to improve standards and tackle inequalities (2023)
- Senedd Research, GCSE results in Wales: how did learners perform? (2024)
- Senedd Research, The post-pandemic A level landscape: Wales 2024 results (2024)
- Qualifications Wales, Summer 2024 results (2024)
- Senedd Research, How did Wales perform in PISA 2022? (2023)
- Estyn, The Chief Inspector’s Annual Report 2022/23 (2024)
- Children, Young People and Education Committee, Scrutiny of the implementation of curriculum and ALN reform (2022)
- Senedd Research, Going live: Rolling out the new curriculum from this September (2022)
- Welsh Government Curriculum for Wales
- Senedd Research, Additional Learning Needs (ALN) – Senedd to debate a need for more reform (2024)
- Welsh Government, The ALN Code (2021)
- Senedd Research, How will qualifications change under the Curriculum for Wales? (2024)
- Senedd Research, Teaching matters (2023)
- Senedd Research, Not in school: pupil absence (2024)
- Welsh Government, Framework on embedding a whole-school approach to emotional and mental well-being (2021)
- Senedd Research, Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill: Bill Summary (2024)
- Welsh Government, Welsh in education
- Welsh Government, Wales innovates: creating a stronger, fairer, greener Wales (2023)
- Welsh Government, Wales innovates: creating a stronger, fairer, greener Wales: delivery plan (2023)
- Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee (Fifth Senedd), Research and innovation in Wales (2019)
- Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee (Sixth Senedd), Research and Development (2023)
- Universities Wales, A guide to higher education in Wales (2022)
- Welsh Government, Review of higher education funding and student finance arrangements: final report (2016)
- Welsh Government, Review of government funded research and innovation (Reid review) (2018)
- Welsh Government, Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act 2022 (2021)
- Senedd Research, The Tertiary Education and Research (Wales) Act: One year on (2023)
- Welsh Government, Statement of strategic priorities for tertiary education and research and innovation (2024)
- Welsh Government, Apprenticeships: policy statement (2024)
- Dr Hefin David MS, Transitions to employment: report (2023)
- Welsh Government, Review of vocational qualifications in Wales (2023)
- Welsh Government, Net zero skills action plan (2023)
- Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee, Development Bank of Wales (2024)
- Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee, Nuclear energy and the Welsh economy (2024)
- Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee, Future of Welsh steel (2024)
- Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee, Post-EU regional development funding (2023)
- Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development for Welsh Government, Regional Governance and Public Investment in Wales, United Kingdom: Moving forward together (2024)
- Audit Wales, The Welsh Government’s support for TVR Automotive Ltd (2024)
- Welsh Government, A manufacturing future for Wales: our journey to Wales 4.0 (2023)
- Welsh Government, A shared strategic vision for the retail sector (2022)
- Welsh Government, Together for retail: A Wales Retail Forum action plan (2023)
- Welsh Government, Economic mission: priorities for a stronger economy (2023)
- Welsh Government, A visitor levy for Wales (2024)
- Welsh Government, The National Events Strategy for Wales 2022 to 2030 (2022)
- Welsh Government, Welcome to Wales: priorities for the visitor economy 2020 to 2025 (2020)
- Welsh Government, Freeport programme in Wales (2024)
- Department for Work and Pensions, Households below average income (HBAI) statistics (2024)
- Equality and Social Justice Committee, Calling time on child poverty: how Wales can do better (2023)
- Equality and Social Justice Committee, Fuel poverty and the Warm Homes Programme (2022)
- Equality and Social Justice Committee, Unsustainable: debt fuelled by the rising cost of living (2023)
- Senedd Research, How effectively is the Welsh Government tackling child poverty? (2024)
- Wales Centre for Public Policy, Poverty and social exclusion: a way forward (2022)
- Wales Expert Group on the Cost of Living Crisis, Summary Response and Recommendations for Action (2023)
- Welsh Government, Basic income pilot for care leavers (2024)
- Welsh Government, Child Poverty Strategy for Wales (2024)
- Welsh Government, Get help with the cost of living (2023)
- Welsh Government, Period Proud Wales Action Plan (2023)
- Welsh Government, Socio-economic duty: an overview (2021)
- Welsh Government, Tackling fuel poverty 2021 to 2035 (2021)
- Welsh Government, Welsh Benefits Charter (2024)
- Arts Council of Wales website and Annual Report
- Cadw (the Welsh Government’s heritage agency) website
- Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee, Fifth Senedd Legacy Report (2021)
- Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, International Relations and Sport Committee, National Contemporary Art Gallery (2023)
- Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, International Relations and Sport Committee, Challenges facing the creative industries workforce (2022)
- Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, International Relations and Sport Committee, Increasing costs: Impact on culture and sport (2022)
- Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, International Relations and Sport Committee, Culture and the new relationship with the EU (2023)
- National Museum Wales website and Financial Report
- National Library Wales of Wales website, Annual report and annual accounts.
- Welsh Government, Draft priorities for culture in Wales (2024)
- Senedd Research, How can communities save buildings they care about? (2021)
- Senedd Research, What’s next for music education? National Music Service and the National Plan for Music Education? (2022)
- Senedd Research, Increased costs and culture and sport: “the crisis now facing the sector is as great as at any time in the last two years” (2023)
- Senedd Research, Creative industries workforce: it was the best of times, it was the worst of times (2024)
- Senedd Research, Welsh language, tourism, sports and arts: thriving or surviving? (2023)
- Senedd Research, Skills: a road to prosperity (2021)
- Careers Wales, Brighter Futures – Our Vision 2021-26 (2021)
- Fair Work Commission, Fair Work Wales (2019)
- Petitions Committee, From five to four? P-06-1247 Support trials of a four-day week in Wales (2023)
- Senedd Research, Labour market July 2024 update (2024)
- Welsh Government, Employment support
- Welsh Government, Fair Work Commission recommendations: progress report 2024 (2024)
- Welsh Government, Smarter working: a remote working strategy for Wales (2022)
- Welsh Government, Stronger, greener, fairer Wales: a plan for employability and skills (2022)
- Welsh Government, Net zero skills action plan (2023)
- Welsh Government, Review of the skills system in Wales: initial and continuing vocational education and training programmes (2023)
- Welsh Government, The Young Person’s Guarantee (2021)
- Welsh Government, Working Wales: Briefing for Stakeholders (2019)
- Workforce Partnership Council, The 4-day week: a social partnership insight (2024)
- Welsh Government, Homelessness accommodation provision and rough sleeping (statistics series)
- Local Government and Housing Committee, Homelessness (2023)
- Homelessness Action Group, Preventing, tackling and ending homelessness through rapid rehousing and local, regional and national partnerships (2020)
- Welsh Government, Ending homelessness in Wales action plan: progress update (2023)
- Senedd Research, Reform of Welsh homelessness law could be ‘world-leading’ (2023)
- Welsh Government, Affordable Housing Provision April 2022-March 2023 (2023)
- Welsh Government, Safer Buildings in Wales (2021)
- Welsh Government, Renting Homes (Wales) Act 2016 evaluation: Phase 1 report (summary) (2024)
- Welsh Government, Second homes: developing new policies in Wales (2021)
- Local Government and Housing Committee, Second Homes (2022)
- Welsh Government, Welsh Language Communities Housing Plan (2022)
- Equality and Local Government Committee, The right to adequate housing (2023)
- Senedd Research, Right to adequate housing: how should Wales achieve a good home for all? (2023)
- Cwmpas, Community Ownership of Land and Assets: enabling the delivery of community led housing in Wales (2022)
- Senedd Research, Local Government Finance (Wales) Bill: resource page
- Senedd Research, What does the Welsh Government’s Draft Budget 2024-25 mean for local services? (2024)
- Senedd Research, Progress on diversity in local government remains “stubbornly slow” (2024)
- Senedd Research, Committee calls for “immediate support” to help leisure centres and libraries (2023)
- Senedd Research, The future of public leisure and library services (2023)
- Senedd Research, A community forgotten – limited progress in providing culturally appropriate sites for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities in Wales (2022)
- Senedd Research, Collaboration Nation: what are Corporate Joint Committees and what will they do? (2022)
- Local Government and Housing Committee, Diversity in local government (2023)
- Local Government and Housing Committee, The provision of sites for Gypsy, Roma and Travellers (2022)
- Wales Fiscal Analysis, The medium-term fiscal outlook for local government in Wales (2023)
- Welsh Government, Local Government Candidates Survey: 2022 (2023)
- Welsh Government, Local government finance
- Audit Wales, Financial Sustainability data tool (2022)
- Welsh Government, Evidence and research on reforming local taxes (2023)
- Welsh Government, Finance Sub-group and Distribution Sub-group meetings
- Welsh Government, Partnership Council for Wales meetings
- Welsh Local Government Association, Senedd 2021-26 A Manifesto for Localism and WLGA Rural Manifesto (2021)
- Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee, Exploring the devolution of broadcasting: how can Wales get the media in needs? (2021)
- Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee, Allegations concerning bullying at S4C (2024)
- Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee, Public service broadcasting in Wales (2024)
- Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport and International Relations Committee, 6 Nations rugby broadcasting rights (2024)
- Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, Digital infrastructure: broadband (2022)
- Ofcom, Connected Nations and Infrastructure reports
- Ofcom, Media Nations reports (key trends)
- Ofcom, News consumption survey
- Ofcom, Small screen, big debate (report and research on the future of public service broadcasting) (2021)
- BBC, Annual report and accounts
- BBC Cymru Wales, Annual management review reports
- ITV Cymru Wales, Statement of programme policy and annual reviews
- S4C, Annual reports
- Senedd Research, How can Wales get the media it needs? (2021)
- Senedd Research, The digital uprising (2021)
- Senedd Research, Broadband update: UK Government should enable the last 1% to access decent broadband (2022)
- Senedd Research, Kicked into touch: 6 Nations broadcasting rights (2024)
- Welsh Government, Of and for Wales: towards a sustainable future for public interest journalism (2023)
- Welsh Government, A new future for broadcasting and communications in Wales (2023)
- Culture, Welsh Language, Communications, Sport and International Relations Committee, Levelling the playing field: a report into participation in sport in disadvantaged areas (2022)
- Culture, Welsh Language, Communications, Sport and International Relations Committee, Allegations against the Welsh Rugby Union (2023)
- Sport Wales, Annual Review and Accounts and Lottery Annual Review and Accounts
- Welsh Government, Sport Wales remit letters
- Sport Wales, Research and insight
- Senedd Research, Increased costs and culture and sport: “the crisis now facing the sector is as great as at any time in the last two years” (2023)
- Senedd Research, “What comes first, do you eat or play rugby?”: inequalities widen in sports participation (2022)
- Senedd Research, Welsh language, tourism, sports and arts: thriving or surviving? (2023)
- Senedd Research, Kicked into touch: 6 Nations broadcasting rights (2024)
- Building Communities Trust, Beyond Essentials: Community Responses to the Cost-of-Living Crisis (2024)
- Centre for Social Justice Foundation, Underfunded and Overlooked (2024)
- Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee, Impact of Covid-19 on the voluntary sector (2021)
- Local Government and Housing Committee, Community Assets (2022)
- Wales Council for Voluntary Action, The Third Sector Data Hub
- Welsh Government, Third Sector Scheme (2014)
- Welsh Government, Third sector scheme annual report 2021 to 2022 (2023)
- Senedd Research, What is the education workforce’s role in meeting the Welsh Government Cymraeg 2050 targets? (2022)
- Senedd Research, The evolution of Welsh language education planning (2023)
- Senedd Research, Resurrecting Welsh as a legal language (2024)
- Senedd Research, Welsh language, tourism, sports and arts: thriving or surviving (2024)
- Culture, Welsh Language and Communications Committee, Inquiry into the legislative framework that supports Welsh-medium education provision (2022)
- Welsh Government, Cymraeg 2050: Welsh Language Strategy - A million Welsh speakers (2017) and Work Programme 2021-2026 (2021)
- Welsh Government, Welsh in education
- Welsh Government, Welsh Language Education: white paper (2023)
- Children, Young People and Education Committee, Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill scrutiny (2024)
- Senedd Research, Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill: Bill Summary (2024)
- Welsh Government, National policy on Welsh language transmission and use in families (2021)
- Welsh Government, More than just words: Welsh language plan in health and social care (2022)
- Welsh Government, Welsh Language Communities Housing Plan (2022)
- Welsh Government, Welsh language technology action plan: final report 2018 to 2024 (2024)
- Welsh Government, Welsh language in Wales (Census 2021) (2022)
- Welsh Language Commissioner, The position of the Welsh language 2016–20 (2021)
- Commission for Welsh-speaking Communities, Empowering communities, strengthening the Welsh language (2024)
- Senedd Research, Sustainable Farming Scheme: 2024 update (2024)
- Senedd Research, Sustainable Farming Scheme: your questions answered (2024)
- Senedd Research, Agriculture (Wales) Bill - Bill Summary (2023)
- Senedd Research, Designing agricultural policies: contextual considerations (guest briefing) (2022)
- Senedd Research, The farming sector in Wales (2022)
- Senedd Research, What are the World Trade Organisation rules around agriculture? (2019)
- Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee, Welsh Government’s proposals for a Sustainable Farming Scheme (2024)
- Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, Report on proposals for a Sustainable Farming Scheme (2024)
- Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee, Farming Connect (2024)
- Welsh Government, Sustainable Farming Scheme consultation and response (2024)
- Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee, Review of The Water Resources (Control of Agricultural Pollution) (Wales) Regulations 2021 (2022)
- Senedd Research, Reducing agricultural pollution: the debate continues (2022)
- Welsh Government, Woodlands for Wales: strategy (2018)
- Welsh Government, Trees and Timber Task Force: recommendations (2021)
- Senedd Research, National Forest: the challenge of woodland creation in Wales (2021)
- Senedd Research, Forestry and Woodland in Wales (2021)
- Welsh Government, Vision for the food and drink industry from 2021 (2021)
- Welsh Government, Food Matters: Wales (2024)
- Welsh Government, Licensing of animal welfare establishments, activities and exhibits (2023)
- Welsh Government, Bovine TB eradication programme (2023)
- Economy, Trade and Rural Affairs Committee, Refreshing Wales’ Bovine TB Eradication Programme (2022)
- Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee, Short inquiry on animal health and disease prevention (2021)
- Senedd Research, UK sees largest ever outbreak of avian flu: what’s the impact on Wales? (2021)
- Senedd Research, Dog breeding and selling (2021)
- Welsh Government, Animal Welfare Plan for Wales 2021 to 2026 (2021)
- Welsh Government, Code of Best Practice for animal welfare establishments (2020)
- Welsh Government, Animal health and welfare framework (2014)
- Welsh Government, Animal welfare guidance for different species
- Climate Change Committee, Progress report: Reducing emissions in Wales (2023)
- Senedd Research, Climate change: the path to zero emissions (2021)
- Senedd Research, Climate change: what are the risks and how can we adapt? (2021)
- Climate Change Committee, The path to Net Zero and progress on reducing emissions in Wales (2020)
- Welsh Government, Response to Climate Change Committee progress report on reducing emissions in Wales (2021)
- Climate Change Committee, Wales reports (2011-)
- Climate Change, Environment and Rural Affairs Committee, Fifth Senedd Legacy Report (2021)
- Senedd Research, Plastic free July: could we be using less and recycling more? (2024)
- Senedd Research, The Environmental Protection (Single-use Plastic Products)(Wales) Bill 2022: Bill Summary (2022)
- Senedd Research, The Paris Agreement on climate change – A summary (2016)
- Welsh Government, Beyond Recycling (2021)
- Law Wales, The Environment (Air Quality and Soundscapes) Act 2024
- Welsh Government, Energy Generation in Wales Reports
- Welsh Government, Net Zero Wales (2021)
- Senedd Research, Harnessing Wales’ marine renewable energy (2023)
- Senedd Research, A snapshot of marine environment management (2022)
- Senedd Research, Welsh National Marine Plan (2020)
- Senedd Research, The impact of oil spills (2019)
- Senedd Research, Marine Protected Areas in Wales (2019)
- Senedd Research, Blue Carbon (2019)
- Senedd Research, Who owns the seabed and why it matters (2021)
- Senedd Research, ‘Ghost fishing’: the gear that keeps on fishing (2022)
- Senedd Research, Wales and the UK-EU Trade & Cooperation Agreement: Fisheries (2022)
- Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, Report on the Welsh Government’s marine policies (2022)
- Welsh Government, Joint Fisheries Statement and Fisheries Management Plans (2022)
- Welsh Government, Marine Protected Area Network Management Framework (2018)
- Welsh Government, Welsh National Marine Plan (WNMP): overview (2019)
- Welsh Government, Marine and fisheries policies for Wales after Brexit (2019)
- Welsh Government, UK Marine Strategy (2019)
- Welsh Government, Llwybr Newydd: the Wales Transport Strategy 2021 (2021)
- Welsh Government, National transport delivery plan: 2022 to 2027 (2022)
- Senedd Research, A transport policy update (2024)
- Senedd Research, The latest on 20mph speed limits (2024)
- Transport for Wales, Default 20mph speed limit on restricted roads - monitoring data
- Welsh Government, Introducing 20mph speed limits: frequently asked questions
- Senedd Research, Bus services on life support: how did we get here? (2023)
- Senedd Research, Bus services on life support: can franchising deliver for Wales? (2023)
- Welsh Government, One network, one timetable, one ticket: planning buses as a public service for Wales (2022)
- Welsh Government, Our roadmap to bus reform (2024)
- Senedd Research, Bus franchising: a literature review of international practice (guest briefing) (2024)
- Senedd Research, The rail system in Wales (2024)
- House of Commons Library, Research briefing - Passenger Railway Services (Public Ownership) Bill 2024-25 (2024)
- South East Wales Transport Commission, Final Recommendations and Welsh Government response (2020)
- North Wales Transport Commission
- Senedd Research, Active travel (2022)
- Cross Party Group on Active Travel, Final report of the expert review panel (2022)
- Welsh Government, Active travel delivery plan 2024-2027 (2024)
- Welsh Government, Roads review (2023)
- Transport for Wales, Annual business plans
- Transport for Wales, Annual report and financial statements
- Senedd Research, Bathing water quality in Wales (2023)
- Senedd Research, Water quality in Wales (2023)
- Senedd Research, Exporting Wales’ water: How much and where to? (2023)
- Senedd Research, The Water Industry in Wales (2018)
- Senedd Research, Flooding and coastal erosion in Wales 2023 (2023)
- Senedd Research, Understanding drought (2022)
- Senedd Research, Sewer Overflows Explained (2022)
- Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, Report on performance of Dŵr Cymru (2024)
- Climate Change, Environment and Infrastructure Committee, Report on Storm Overflows in Wales (2022)
- Welsh Government, Water Strategy for Wales (2015)
- Welsh Government, Wales Better Waler Quality Taskforce (page)
- Natural Resources Wales, Water Watch Wales (website)
- Independent Commission on the Constitutional Future of Wales, Final Report (2024)
- Senedd Research, 25 years of Welsh law-making (2024)
- Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Monitoring reports (2021 - )
- Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Fifth Senedd Legacy Report (2021)
- Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Annual Report 2021/22 (2022)
- Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Annual Report 2022/23 (2023)
- Senedd Research, Constitutional Quick Guides (2021)
- Senedd Research, Changes needed urgently to “make devolution a viable option for the long term”, Commission says (2024)
- Senedd Research, The Review of Intergovernmental Relations: a “significant constitutional step forward”? (2022)
- Senedd Research, Two years on, has the review of intergovernmental relations led to “ambitious and effective working?” (2024)
- UK Government, Intergovernmental Relations
- Welsh Government, Reforming our Union: Shared Governance in the UK (2021)
- Senedd Research, Rulemaking outside the EU (2022)
- Senedd Research, Common Frameworks: The never-ending story? (2023)
- Senedd Research, The UK Internal Market Act: How does it impact Welsh law? (2023)
- Senedd Research, The Sewel Convention: What happens to UK laws rejected by the Senedd? (2023)
- Senedd Research, Changing of the guards: international relations and the new First Minister (2024)
- Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee, International Relations Annual Report 2022-23 (2023)
- Senedd Research, International law at the Senedd (2024)
- Senedd Research, Israel and Gaza at the Senedd: the story so far (2024)
- Welsh Government, International Strategy (2020-25) (2020)
- Senedd Research, Leaving the European Union (2024)
- Senedd Research, Remaining in Wales? Senedd Committee keeps spotlight on Europeans who stayed after Brexit (2024)
- Senedd Research, Wales and the Windsor Framework (2023)
- Senedd Research, Wales and Safeguarding the Union (2024).
- Senedd Research, Wales and the UK-EU Trade & Cooperation Agreement (2022)
- Welsh Government, The new relationship with the EU: What it means for Wales (2021)
- Senedd Research, Rulemaking outside the EU (2022)
- Welsh Government, International trade policy (2024)
- Senedd Research, Why does Wales need Border Control Posts? (2023)
- Senedd Research, Wales and the UK’s new trade border model (2023)
- Senedd Research, Wales and the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (2023)
- Welsh Government, Delivering Justice for Wales (2022)
- Commission on Justice in Wales, Justice in Wales for the People of Wales (2019)
- Welsh Government, Submission to the Justice Commission and supplementary submission (2018)
- Senedd Research, The Thomas Commission: Three Years On (2022)
- Ministry of Justice, Justice in Wales: First Report of the Independent Advisory Committee on Justice in Wales (2019)
- Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Fifth Senedd Legacy Report (2021)
- Senedd Research, Justice in Wales: Oversight and accountability (2021)
- S Nason, Justice in Wales (2020)
- House of Commons Library, Justice
- Law Commission, Devolved Tribunals in Wales (2021)
- Welsh Government, A new tribunal system for Wales: white paper (2023)
- Senedd Research, Access to Justice in Wales: key issues and challenges. (2022)
- Committee for Administrative Justice and Tribunals, Wales, Administrative justice: a cornerstone of social justice in Wales (2016)
- S Nason, The Senedd and Administrative Justice, Part 1 and Part 2 (2020)
- R Jones and R W Jones, Justice at the Jagged Edge in Wales (2019)
- G Ifan, Public spending on the justice system for Wales (2019)
- Welsh Government, Preparing for the devolution of policing (2024)
- Senedd Research, Devolution of criminal justice to Wales – will it actually happen? (2023)
- Institute of Welsh Affairs, Fiscal Firepower: Effective Policy-Making in Wales (2022)
- Welsh Government, Budgets
- Senedd Research, Welsh Government draft budget 2025/26 (2024)
- Senedd Research, Looking ahead: what funding challenges face the Welsh Government in 2025-26? (2024)
- Welsh Government, Agreement on the Welsh Government’s fiscal framework (2016)
- Senedd Research, Fiscal devolution in Wales
- Welsh Government, Welsh taxes
- Welsh Revenue Authority, Welsh Land Transaction Tax and Landfill Disposals Tax statistics
- HM Revenue & Customs::Welsh Rates of Income Tax statistics
- Wales Governance Centre, Wales fiscal analysis
- Institute for Fiscal Studies, Devolved government finances
- Welsh Government, Data for the Senedd Cymru constituency areas: 2021 (2021)
- Welsh Government, Welsh Index of Multiple Deprivation
- Welsh Government, DataMapWales
- StatsWales, Detailed official data on Wales
- ONS, Published statistics: wide range of data at various geographies including the 2021 Census data.
- ONS, Nomis - Official labour market statistics: local authority and ward profiles, unemployment data and census data.
- Department for Work and Pensions, Stat-Xplore: benefits statistics.
- Police UK, police.uk: street level crime data.
- HM Land Registry, Price paid data
- Audit Wales, Equality Impact Assessments: More than a Tick Box Exercise? (2022)
- Equality and Human Rights Commission, Is Wales Fairer? (2023)
- Equality and Human Rights Commission, Human Rights Tracker
- Equality and Human Rights Commission, Public Sector Equality Duty: specific duties in Wales
- Equality and Social Justice Committee, Women’s experiences in the criminal justice system (2023)
- Equality and Social Justice Committee, 60%-giving them a voice (2023)
- Equality and Social Justice Committee, The public health approach to preventing gender-based violence (2024)
- Equality and Social Justice Committee, Anti-racist Wales (2024)
- Welsh Government, Gender Equality Forum
- Welsh Government, LGBTQ+ Action Plan (2023)
- Welsh Government, Violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence: strategy and progress (2024)
- Welsh Government, Consultation: Strategic Equality Plan 2024 to 2028 (2024)
- Welsh Government, Locked out: liberating disabled people’s lives and rights in Wales beyond COVID-19 (2021)
- Welsh Government, Learning Disability Strategic Action Plan 2022 to 2026 (2022)
- Welsh Government, Strengthening and Advancing Equality and Human Rights in Wales research report: Welsh Government response (2022)
- Welsh Government, Socio-economic duty: an overview (2024)
- Welsh Government, Violence against women, domestic abuse and sexual violence: strategy 2022 to 2026 (2022)
- Welsh Government, Equality, Race, and Disability Evidence Units (2024)
- Welsh Government, A healthier Wales: long term plan for health and social care (2018) and Action review (2021)
- Welsh Government, Science Evidence Advice NHS in 10+ years: an examination of the projected impact of Long-Term Conditions and Risk Factors in Wales (2023)
- Health Education and Improvement Wales and Social Care Wales, A Healthier Wales: Our Workforce Strategy for Health and Social Care (2020)
- Welsh Government, National Workforce Implementation Plan: Addressing NHS Wales Workforce Challenges (2023)
- Audit Wales, NHS Workforce Data Briefing (2023)
- Welsh Government, Digital and data strategy for health and social care in Wales (2023)
- Welsh Government, National clinical framework: a learning health and care system (2021)
- Welsh Government, Quality Statements (policy expectations for key clinical services) can be found under health conditions
- Welsh Government, Six goals for urgent and emergency care: policy handbook for 2021 to 2026 (May 2022), year 1 progress report (2023) and year 2 progress report (2024)
- Welsh Government, Transforming and modernising planned care and reducing waiting lists (April 2022)
- Health and Social Care Committee, NHS waiting times monitoring reports
- Senedd Research, Reducing the NHS waiting list backlog
- Health and Social Care Committee, Waiting well? The impact of the waiting times backlog on people in Wales (April 2022)
- Health and Social Care Committee, Hospital discharge and its impact on patient flow through hospitals (2022)
- Health and Social Care Committee, Welsh Ambulance Services Trust – General Scrutiny (2024)
- Senedd Research, Women's health needs and the pursuit of equity: the absence of a dedicated plan (2024)
- Welsh Government, Parliamentary Review of Health and Social Care in Wales, Final report: A revolution from within: transforming health and care in Wales (2018)
- Welsh Government, NHS Wales health boards and trusts (2023)
- NHS Wales Shared Services Partnership, Governance e-Manual
- Welsh Government, NHS Wales planning framework 2024 to 2027 (2023)
- Welsh Government, NHS Wales performance framework 2024 to 2025 (2024)
- Welsh Government, NHS oversight and escalation framework (2024) and NHS Wales escalation and intervention arrangements (2024)
- Welsh Government, NHS quality and safety framework(2021),
- Welsh Government, The duty of quality in healthcare (2023)
- Welsh Government, Health and care quality standards 2023 (2023)
- Welsh Government, The NHS duty of candour (2023)
- Welsh Government, NHS Wales Joint Commissioning Committee (2024)
- NHS Wales, NHS Wales Executive (2023)
- Health and Social Care Committee, pre-appointment hearings for health board chairs
- Audit Wales, Supporting Ukrainians in Wales (2024)
- The Bevan Foundation, More than a Nation of Sanctuary: Why we should care about less visible migrant groups (2023)
- The Bevan Foundation, Firefighting: protecting legal aid funded immigration services in Wales (2023)
- The Bevan Foundation, Living with No Recourse to Public Funds in the Nation of Sanctuary (2024)
- The Equality and Social Justice Committee, The EU Settlement Annual Report (2024)
- Institute of Public Policy Research, Migration Policy Unit
- Welsh Government, Refugee and asylum seeker plan (nation of sanctuary) (2019)
- Welsh Government, Refugee and asylum seeker plan (nation of sanctuary): progress report(2024)
- Welsh Government, Migrant Integration Framework (2023)
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- Senedd Research, Changing the conversation about mental health (2023)
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- Welsh Government, Mental Health Act 1983 – Code of practice for Wales (2016)
- Welsh Government, Shaping our health: Chief Medical Officer for Wales annual report 2023 (2023)
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- Senedd Research, The rise in obesity: some food for thought (2024)
- Senedd Research, Tattoos, tobacco, toilets and more: an update on the Public Health (Wales) Act 2017 (2024)
COVID-19 pandemic (health)
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- Senedd Research, Unmasked: Anticipation and intent as the UK Covid-19 Inquiry publishes its first report (2024)
- Nuffield Trust, Adult social care in the four countries of the UK series (2023)
- Dr Alison Tarrant (Wales Governance Centre), Social care reform in Wales (2021)
- Senedd Research, Social care: a workforce in crisis? (2022)
- Senedd Research, Social care: a system at breaking point? (2021)
- Wales Fiscal Analysis, The future of care in Wales: Resourcing social care for older adults (2020)
- Social Care Wales, Social care workforce delivery plan 2024 – 2027 (2024)
- Senedd Research, A spotlight on social care workers – the latest challenges facing the sector series: Part 1 and Part 2 (2024)
- Welsh Government, Strategy for unpaid carers and Delivery Plan (2021)
- Social Care Wales, Information and Learning Hub
- Welsh Government, Evaluation of the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014 (2023)
- Measuring the Mountain, Resources (2020)
- Expert Group (set up by the Welsh Government), Towards a national care and support service for Wales (2022)
- Welsh Government, Towards a national care and support service for Wales: initial implementation plan (2023)
- Welsh Government, White Paper: Rebalancing care and support (2021)
- Social Care Wales, Workforce reports
- Social Care Wales, National social care data portal for Wales
- Health, Social Care and Sport Committee, Inquiry into the impact of the COVID-19 outbreak, and its management, on health and social care in Wales: Report 3 – Impact on the social care sector and unpaid carers (2021)
Article by Senedd Research, Welsh Parliament