Reading lists for the Sixth Senedd (2024 update)

Published 10/11/2022   |   Last Updated 17/01/2025   |   Reading Time minutes

Our reading lists draw together some of the key sources of information about specific policy areas in Wales. They include background information about policy areas in the Welsh Government’s Programme for Government 2021-26, our summary of the key issues facing the Sixth Senedd published in May 2021 and many more.

You can use our reading lists as an introduction to a new subject, to find out where you can access information, or to explore an issue in more depth.

For more information and bespoke research support, Members of the Senedd and their staff can contact our expert subject researchers.

Children, education and lifelong learning
Tertiary education and research
Economy, communities and local government
Business and economy
Cost of living, poverty and social security
Media and communications
Voluntary (third) sector and communities
Welsh language
Environment and transport
Agriculture, forestry and food
Animal welfare


Climate change, energy, air quality and waste
Marine and fisheries management
External and constitutional affairs
Finance and statistics
Finding statistics about your constituency and region
Health and social policy
Equality and human rights
Health strategy and policy
NHS governance and structures
Adult social care

Article by Senedd Research, Welsh Parliament