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Research Articles

Senedd Research

We are a research and information service based in the Welsh Parliament.

Senedd Research publishes information on topical issues and developments within the Welsh Parliaments. This comes in a number of formats, from short articles (Research Articles) and longer briefings (Research Publications) to interactive maps which all contributes to an open and well informed debate in Wales.


Senedd Business

We usually publish research articles ahead of debates that Members of Senedd hold in the Siambr (Plenary) to contribute to an open and well informed debate in Wales.

Plenary Articles

Debate: Learner Travel (Tuesday 25 March)

Debate: The Crown Estate (Tuesday 25 March)

Debate on the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee report - A decade of cuts: Impact of funding reductions for culture and sport (Wednesday 26 March)

The general principles of the Visitor Accommodation (Register and Levy) Etc. (Wales) Bill (Tuesday 1 April)

Wales COVID-19 Inquiry Special Purpose Committee: Debate on the gaps identified in the preparedness and response of the Welsh Government and other Welsh public bodies during the COVID-19 pandemic that should be subject to further examination (Wednesday 2 April)

Debate on the Standards of Conduct Committee Report: Individual Member Accountability: Deliberate deception (Wednesday 2 April)

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