The Trade Union (Wales) Bill (the Bill) was introduced on 16 January 2017 by the Cabinet Secretary for Finance and Local Government, Mark Drakeford AM. The Bill was introduced by the Welsh Government to amend specific provisions within the UK Trade Union Act 2016 which, in the Welsh Government’s view, will have an “adverse effect on the social partnership approach” in Wales. The social partnership is the Welsh Government’s approach to managing public sector staff and industrial relations in public services in Wales.
The provisions within the UK Trade Union Act the Welsh Government are seeking to disapply with this Bill are:
- the provision relating to facility time;
- the provision relating to the deduction of trade union subscription fees from employee wages; and
- the provision relating to the 40% ballot support threshold for industrial action, affecting ‘important public services’ in Wales.
The Research Service briefing summarises the Bill’s provisions and the background to its introduction, along with consideration of the financial implications of introducing the Bill. It also provides information on a possible amendment the Welsh Government may introduce at Stage 2 regarding the use of agency workers during industrial action. The Stage 1 debate on the general principles of the Trade Union (Wales) Bill is on Tuesday 09 May 2017.
Trade Union (Wales) Bill - Bill Summary (PDF, 103MB)
Article by Osian Bowyer, National Assembly for Wales Research Service.