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Interactive constituency and regional profiles

Published 28/05/2021   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

This page contains interactive Senedd constituency maps showing data for a number of themes; demography, economy, education, health and housing.

Click the headings to expand. Under each, a map shows the data for the first dataset thematically. For example, the demography map shows the total population. As you hover over each Senedd constituency, the tooltip shows you the number of people on the electoral roll, percentage of people aged 0-15, aged 16-64 and aged 65+ and the percentage of the population aged 3+ who can speak Welsh.

The table underneath each map shows the same data for Senedd regions and Wales as a whole.

The entire dataset can be downloaded from Welsh Government; Data for the Senedd Cymru constituency areas: 2021.


Population by Senedd constituency


Region profiles

Region Total population Electoral roll Aged 0-15 years Aged 16-64 years Aged 65+ Welsh speakers
North Wales 637828 483739 18% 59% 23% 27%
Mid and West Wales 581450 446524 17% 58% 26% 36%
South Wales West 553400 413569 17% 62% 20% 12%
South Wales Central 725711 523096 18% 64% 17% 11%
South Wales East 654490 491142 19% 61% 20% 10%
Wales 3152879 2358070 18% 61% 21% 19%

Source: Welsh Government

Populations, including age-breakdowns, are 2019 mid-year estimates. Electoral roll is as at 2 March 2020. Welsh speakers refers to the percentage of the population aged 3+ who can speak Welsh according to the 2011 Census.



Employment rate by Senedd constituency


Region profiles

Region Employment rate Median gross weekly earnings Claimant count rate
North Wales 75.1% £559.39 5.8%
Mid and West Wales 73.4% £515.44 4.9%
South Wales West 70.5% £527.80 5.4%
South Wales Central 73.3% £536.99 6.0%
South Wales East 73.1% £548.48 6.0%
Wales 73.2% £537.81 5.7%

Source: Welsh Government

Employment rates refer to a 3-year period, from year ending September 2018 to year ending September 2020. This allows estimates to be produced from a larger sample size making the data more robust.

Median gross weekly earnings estimates use data from the Annual Survey of Hours and Earnings (ASHE) and covers employee jobs in 2020. It does not cover the self-employed or employees not paid during the reference period. Weekly earnings estimates relate to employees on adult rates of pay, whose earnings for the survey pay period were not affected by absence. They are based on place of work rather than based on residence. Estimates for 2020 include employees who have been furloughed under the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS).

Claimant count rate data is provisional. It includes out of work Universal Credit claimants as well as Jobseeker's Allowance claimants. As Universal Credit Full Service is rolled out, the number of people recorded as being on the Claimant Count is likely to rise.


Percentage of adults of working age (18 to 64) with no qualifications by Senedd constituency


Region profiles

Region No qualifications Qualifications at NQF level 4+ Primary school pupils entitled to free school meals Secondary school pupils entitled to free school meals Primary school pupils with SEN Secondary school pupils with SEN
North Wales 7.5% 36.4% 19.8% 16.8% 18.4% 19.7%
Mid and West Wales 7.4% 38.9% 16.2% 14.3% 22.9% 25.5%
South Wales West 9.5% 36.0% 23.5% 19.3% 20.5% 21.9%
South Wales Central 8.0% 44.3% 22.4% 19.8% 16.8% 19.0%
South Wales East 9.3% 34.4% 21.6% 19.5% 17.8% 21.6%
Wales 8.3% 38.3% 20.8% 18.1% 19.0% 21.3%

Source: Welsh Government

The qualifications data is a two-year average for 2018 and 2019. Due to a low number of survey responses, the figures for no qualifications in Montgomeryshire, Gower, Cardiff Central and Cardiff North are of low quality.

NQF is the National Qualification Framework, with level 4 being higher education level or equivalent qualifications.

SEN is Special Educational Needs. Data for SEN and free school meals refers to 2020 and is based on the pupils attending the schools in the area, as opposed to the pupils living in the area. There will be some differences between the two, particularly for the smaller constituency areas.


Percentage of adults with a longstanding illness by Senedd constituency


Region profiles

Region Adults with a longstanding illness Male life expectancy at birth Female life expectancy at birth
North Wales 45% 78.98 years 82.20 years
Mid and West Wales 48% 79.17 years 83.15 years
South Wales West 50% 77.55 years 81.76 years
South Wales Central 42% 78.36 years 82.40 years
South Wales East 46% 78.21 years 81.94 years
Wales 46% 78.52 years 82.32 years

Source: Welsh Government

Figures for longstanding illness are based on two years of data combined (2017-18 and 2018-19). Even so, the sample sizes for some areas are still relatively small and results should be treated with caution. Typically, results are likely to be within +/- 4 percentage points of the figures shown.  The results have not been standardised to take account of the different age profiles in each area.  Some of the differences between areas will likely be due to different age profiles. Data is composed of Parliamentary rather than Senedd constituencies, though these are identical except Pontypridd and Ogmore, where 3 Output Areas are differently allocated.


Median property prices by Senedd constituency


Region profiles

Region All properties Detached Semi-detached Terraced Flats / maisonettes
North Wales £160000 £222748 £148500 £120000 £113500
Mid and West Wales £165000 £230000 £139000 £120000 £101000
South Wales West £145000 £235000 £142748 £109000 £112750
South Wales Central £182000 £320995 £200000 £148000 £139995
South Wales East £155000 £277500 £164250 £119950 £98000
Wales £162500 £249950 £155000 £121500 £125500

Source: Welsh Government

The Land Registry Price Paid Data only include records for single residential properties sold for full market value. To avoid systematically biasing house price data, the Land Registry excludes records of sales that were not at full market value. These are not included in the data from the Land Registry and if included, would detract from a meaningful average house price figure. Other exclusions from this house price data are listed on the UK Government website.