This is a picture of a teacher and school pupils.

This is a picture of a teacher and school pupils.

Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill: Bill Summary

Published 18/09/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

The Welsh Language and Education (Wales) Bill proposes changes to the way Welsh language education is planned and delivered, with an aim that all school pupils become independent Welsh language users by the time they reach the end of compulsory school age.

The Bill aims to support the Welsh Government’s target of one million Welsh speakers by 2050 (“Cymraeg 2050”), which it places on a statutory footing. It seeks to strengthen the way Welsh language education – in both Welsh-medium and English-medium settings – is planned at a national, local and school level. It would also establish a means of describing and measuring individuals’ Welsh language abilities.

This briefing summarises the provisions of the Bill, its background and what the Welsh Government hope to achieve. It is intended to support and inform the Senedd’s scrutiny of the legislation.

Article by Osian Bowyer and Michael Dauncey, Senedd Research, Welsh Parliament