Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25

Published 22/12/2023   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

The Welsh Government published its Draft Budget 2024-25 on 19 December 2023.

Click to explore the budget’s key allocations.

The infographics below summarise the key allocations by government department and how these have changed from the restated Final Budget 2023-24.

Revenue Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL): £20,860m (up by £776m or 3.9%). Capital DEL: £2,793m (down by £92m or 3.2%). Total DEL: £23,653m (up by £684m or 3.0%). Annually Managed Expenditure (AME): £2,777m (up by £717m or 34.8%). Total Managed Expenditure (TME): £26,429m (up by £1,401m or 5.6%).

DEL is the discretionary part of the budget that the Welsh Government chooses how to spend.

AME is the non-discretionary part of the budget.

Health and Social Services £11,690m, up £929m (8.6%). Finance and Local Government £5,092m, down £33m (-0.6%). Climate Change £2,848m, down £84m (-2.9%). Education and the Welsh Language £2,586m, down £56m (-2.1%). Economy £541m, down £4m (-0.8%). Rural Affairs £420m, down £29m (-6.4%). Central Services and Administration £333m, down £27m (-7.4%). Social Justice £142m, down £12m (-7.6%).

* Excludes around £1.1 billion non-domestic rates income.

** Includes allocation of £514 million of non-fiscal revenue due to student loans.

Figures are rounded. Refer to the Welsh Government Draft Budget 2024-25 for exact figures.

Budget terminology is explained in our budget glossary.

Article by Joe Wilkes, Senedd Research, Welsh Parliament