Welsh Government Budget: Explore the 2020-21 Draft Budget with our interactive visualisation

Published 18/12/2019   |   Last Updated 16/12/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

The 2020-21 Budget sets out the Welsh Government's spending plans for the financial year. It outlines how much money has been allocated to the Government and its associated departments and agencies such as health boards and local authorities. The 2020-21 Draft Budget was published on 16 December 2019.

Use the interactive diagram below to explore the Draft Budget allocations.

Click here to move
  2020-21 Budget (cash)
  Percentage change on 2019-20 (cash)
  Percentage change on 2019-20 (real-terms)


  £ Million
2020-21 Draft Budget:  
2020-21 Draft Budget
(in 2019-20 prices):
2019-20 1st Supplementary Budget:  
Change 2020-21 on 2019-20
Cash Real-terms

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The interactive diagram lets you see the Draft Budget allocations at different levels, from portfolio down to Budget Expenditure Line (the most detailed level available).

The values displayed are revenue plus capital allocations. The size of each circle is scaled according to its proportion of the Budget level. The colours represent different portfolios. Further details are given in the 'Budget information' drop-down.

Under ‘view options’, you can select a comparison of the Budget with the previous financial year (the First Supplementary Budget 2019-20). Cash or real-terms percentage change can be displayed.

In these views, the circle colours are red for a decrease and blue for an increase with darker shades indicating a larger percentage change. The circle sizes scale with the absolute change.

A datasheet containing the information presented can be downloaded here.

Click here to see the budget timetable.

Source: Welsh Government.

Article by Joe Wilkes and Martin Jennings, Senedd Research, National Assembly for Wales.