New Publications: The Planning Series: Appeals, Enforcement and Call-in

Published 04/10/2019   |   Last Updated 15/01/2021   |   Reading Time minutes

We’ve updated our quick guides to planning appeals, enforcement and Welsh Government call-in.

New Publication: The Planning Series: 5 - Call-in of planning applications (PDF, 758KB)

This briefing provides and overview of the process for calling in planning applications. It describes the circumstances under which the Welsh Government will consider calling in an application and what happens when applications are called in.

New Publication: The Planning Series: 6 - Appeals (PDF, 1668KB)

This briefing provides an overview of the planning appeals process. It describes the grounds on which an appeal can be made, sets out the process for considering appeals and what can be done if an appeal is unsuccessful.

New Publication: The Planning Series: 7 - Enforcement (PDF, 857KB)

This briefing provides an overview of planning enforcement. It sets out what enforcement is, when enforcement action can take place, types of enforcement action, time limits, Welsh Government enforcement, and appeals against enforcement action. It also sets out how the Planning (Wales) Act 2015 has changed the planning enforcement system.

Article by Andrew Minnis and Elfyn Henderson, Senedd Research, National Assembly for Wales