Generative AI – an overview

Published 03/07/2024   |   Reading Time minutes

Generative artificial intelligence, which is a form of AI that can create new content, has been getting a lot of attention, especially since the release of ChatGPT in November 2022.

Generative AI offers opportunities to improve the services provided by the public sector, including for the promotion of the Welsh language. However, generative AI outputs depend on the quality of the data used to train models. Beyond technical limitations, other risks concern stakeholders including for instance the current lack of regulation, the impacts on jobs, and privacy and copyright issues.

In November 2023, the UK led the International Summit on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Safety, where the Bletchley Declaration was signed by 28 countries and the European Union. This declaration recognises that many risks are “inherently international in nature, and so are best addressed through international cooperation”.

Read our briefing to find out more about the opportunities and risks of generative AI in the public sector, as well as the current regulations in Wales and around the world and the implementation challenges involved.

Article by Amandine Debus, Senedd Research, Welsh Parliament

Senedd Research acknowledges the parliamentary fellowship provided to Amandine Debus by the Natural Environment Research Council, which enabled this Research Briefing to be completed.